StorySlab currently supports 40MB or smaller PDFs, MP4s, and JPGs, as well as several other types of content. (See the bottom of this article for a full list of supported file types.) 


To load content, there are two main navigation choices you can make and a choice to upload Individual or Multiple files (See screenshot below):


Scenario 1: Loading Files from the Content Hierarchy: 

If you know the exact location in your content hierarchy where the file(s) should be inserted, first navigate to the list item where you want to place the file(s). From that area, use the + symbol and choose either “create new file” or “upload many files”.  




Scenario 2: Loading Files from the “Files” Section: 

To add a content file(s) into the application, begin by selecting the "Files" option on the far-left side of the CMS, under "Content", and then click +New Content File on the upper right of the Content Management>Content Files screen.

You have a choice for adding a single file or multiple files at the same time. Single Files and Multiple Files have slightly different interface options.


Individual File Scenario: 

To add a single file, use the “choose file” button to browse your computer for the file. Alternatively, drag and drop a single file over that button. 




Multiple File Scenario: 

If you choose multiple files, you have a drag-and-drop zone to load files under the section labeled “Step 2.” As files are added, an upload progress bar and representative thumbnail appears for each. As such, Multiple Files are not relevant to Sync2Link or Web Content types of files. 


Note 1: All files must complete their upload before you can advance and save the uploaded files. 

Note 2: When uploading multiple files, you are setting the attributes for all files in that batch. Therefore, load like files together—such as all “Brochures” in the same list “Product A”.

Regardless of loading a single file or multiple files from either scenario above, the following fields represent all the attributes of a file in StorySlab. 

Display Name:

Enter the Display Name, which is a user-friendly name for the file that will be displayed in the app, in the top field (43 characters maximum).


Upload File:

Use the “Choose File” or “Browse” button to select the content file from your computer. The file name has a maximum of 124 characters and the file size is a maximum of 40MB. Video files are often most likely to exceed the file size limit. To compress video files, please review the Compressing Video Files with Handbrake article.



An alternative to manually uploading a content file from your computer would be to upload a Sync2Link file. See the following Sync2Link article for an overview of the benefits of these types of files as well as some things to keep in mind with these files. To upload a Sync2Link file, copy and paste the related URL link. Note: This link must end in the file type (ex. PDF, PNG, MP4, etc.)


Web Content:

Enter the URL for the file in the “Link Path” feld. This is a web link that is associated with the fle. You can add a link to videos or PDFs to share larger files, or enter a link without a piece of content for a web page.

  • All URLs must be publicly accessible internet content
  • Mobile-friendly web pages are recommended
  • Link will open within the app in a browser


Choose to make the file not sharable by unchecking the checkbox. This prohibits users from emailing the file out of the app. (Note: This is disabled if you enter anything in the Link Path feld, since that is a sharing media.) Content must be sharable to appear in the web version of the app.



Choose to make the file not downloadable by unchecking the checkbox. This prohibits recipients of Share+ files from downloading the file that was shared.


Share URL (in Lieu of File):

If you enter a URL into this field, the URL will be sent to recipients in the place of this content file when it is distributed via Share+.


Password Protect:

Make a user re-enter their application’s credentials in order to view the file by checking this checkbox. This creates an added layer of security to internal documents. The password is not customizable at this point in time; it will simply prompt the user to re-enter their app password.


Where Should This Content File Go?:

 Under “Where should this file go?” choose the list location(s) for the file.

  • Each file can belong in many locations, but must appear in at least one to appear in the app.
  • Expand the List areas by tapping on the arrows on the left to choose where the file belongs.


What Language Is This Content In?:

If your application has multilingual enabled, you can designate the language associated with the content file by checking the applicable language checkbox.


Which Content Categories Does This Content File Belong In?:

Choose the appropriate category. If no category is chosen, the file will not display in the app.

  • Recommended: one category per file
  • For more info on content categories, see the categories article


Which User Profiles Should This Content Appear On?:

Choose which profile(s) the content belongs to, if applicable. (It must appear in at least one profile to appear in the app.) For more information on managing users and profiles, see the Profile Management article.


Which Types of Devices Should This Content Appear On?:

Choose which device(s) the content should appear on, if applicable. You can display different versions or formats of content on the tablet, phone or web versions of your app.

  • Removing all devices will remove the file from view in the app


Which Tags Apply To This File?:

If your application has content tags enabled, you can designate the associated tag with the content file by checking the applicable checkbox.



Check this box to remove a file from the search bar results page. This is often used to make internal files more confidential within the application.


Search Keywords (Optional):

StorySlab’s search indexes the text of PDF files, along with all the file names and display names. You can enter keywords here for non-PDF files (for example, images and videos) so that they appear correctly in the in-app search results. Requires StorySlab platform version 3.9 or later (iOS).


The content will upload when you hit “Save”.


Supported File Types:

StorySlab fully supports PDF, MP4. JPG, and PNG files with in-app experiences.

We also allow the uploading of standard Office (and Open Office/Mac variants of Office files) with partial support. This means that on Windows devices, for example, Office documents will open directly into Office, assuming the user has Office apps installed on their device; and on iOS, we offer a “preview” of those those files with limited support and functionality. Office files must have (for example) standard DOC or DOCX extensions - we do not support auto-playing PPTS files. We recommend only uploading Office or similar files if the user has to be able to edit those files for use - otherwise, PDFs are a much better experience.

HTML files can also be previewed directly within the app. In order to publish HTML files within the app, they have to be capable of running entirely offline and be packaged into one root folder.

.SPN files (360-degree spinning product images) are also supported in the application. For further details about how to upload such files into the application, please speak with your StorySlab customer success agent who will be able to provide you with further guidance.

Finally, we allow the uploading of some specific types of files, such as RFA, without any in-app support, and these can be used strictly for sharing files.