Since there is a 40MB size limitation on files, it may be necessary at times to compress larger video files to ensure they can successfully upload on the application. This is most common with video files (other larger files have different utilities for compression -- Handbrake is only for video files). Please follow the below instructions to learn how to compress your video files.

To begin, you will need to download the video compression tool HandBrake which can be located at the following URL:

Once the tool is downloaded, open the software program and select "File" to compress your first video file.

Handbrake will open your File Explorer tool which you can then use to select the video file you wish to compress.

Once you have selected your video file you will then need to determine the location where you wish to place the compressed video file. To do this, select the "Browse" option next to the "Save As:" section of the Handbrake program. Once you have selected which folder you would like the compressed video file to be located, you are almost ready to begin compressing the video file.

To determine how compressed you would like your video file to be, select the "Video" tab in the program and move the slider bar that is located under the "Quality" label. The further left you move the slider bar, the more compressed the video file will be. 

In some situations, moving the slider bar all the way left may not be enough to compress the video file to a size below 40MB. In these situations, you should consider trimming your video file. the video can be trimmed by changing the range to ‘seconds’ and then determining at what second mark the video should end. It may require multiple attempts to trim the video to the ideal second mark.

Before beginning the compression process, please verify that the video is H.264. This is the default in Handbrake, so when this verified once there is no need to re-verify. 

Now you are ready to begin the video compression process,. To start this process, select the "Start Encode" option near the top of the program. 

Once the video file has been compressed, it would be useful to right-click on the new, compressed, video file and select properties. Within the properties area, you should be able to see the size of the compressed video file, which should now be below 40MB.

Now that you have a video file that is below 40MB you can now upload the video file by following the instructions outlined in the Content Files article.