StorySlab provides you with an extensive set of analytics reports in your content management system to understand the actions and behaviors of your users and your content. 

Additionally, StorySlab can provide a monthly and/or yearly Executive Summary report (example PDF) for your team. 

There are some key features to all of your StorySlab analytics: 

User Actions

Actions are the best way to understand the intensity and frequency of use inside their app. An action is tallied every time a user interacts with anything inside their app. (NOTE: Names are intentionally blurred in the screenshots.)

Downloading a CSV

You can export a CSV report from many analytics pages. First, tap the green menu button on the right side of the page. Then, chose Share, then Export. This will initiate a download of a .CSV file for that page's analytics. With a .CSV file you now have the structured data to sort, create reports, save/archive, and to use with various other business analysis tools.


On many of the analytics pages there is a pop-out menu to filter your results monthly, by content profile, and by any analytics groups you may have created. After selecting any filters, the page will dynamically refresh and present your filtered results.

Downloading Month End Reports

You can now utilize the CMS to access your month end reports as well. To generate this report, please tap the filter tab in the upper-right corner of your metrics overview page and select which month you would like this report for. Then press "go" and a "send report" button will appear. After pressing this button, you will receive an email from "" with a copy of the report.

Year end reports are not currently able to be generated via the CMS.

Detailed Articles about Analytics reports can be found here at these technical articles:

Share+ Analytics

Metrics Overview

StorySlab's advanced analytics are powered by Toucan Toco.

Note: If your exporting monthly reports from the CMS metrics section, and would like to obtain the most accurate data possible, we recommend that you wait one week after month end. This will give offline users time to use the app in an online state after month end, which will cause their offline data to retroactively update in the report.