Inside your App we support annotating many .PDF files:
When you select a .PDF content file and bring it forward in your app, use the annotation tool for options like these:
- Add drawings (even signatures) with a pen tool
- Highlight text
- Add typed notes in comment blocks
- Insert a picture or graphic
- If the file was a fillable .PDF format, you can navigate between fields and enter data.
- Sending only specific pages or page ranges.
When you annotate the file, you are not changing the original copy kept in your StorySlab App by your company, but rather a unique one of a kind version you just created.
Then when you go to add this modified file to Share+, you are now sending a single unique copy of this file (it will not be part of typical Share+ read receipt actions). You have some extra sharing options as well. You can share only the page(s) you modified.
If you go to exit your annotated file, you'll be given the change to make sure you shared it as the modifications are not saved.
See the Attached Video for Details.