The method to enable automatic updates can vary based on both the type of device being used and the way in which the application was originally distributed to your device. The instructions included below are assuming that you installed your app from the applicable app store (Apple App Store, Microsoft Store, or Google Play Store).


1) Open the Microsoft Store application on your Windows device

2) Select the icon in the upper-right corner of the Microsoft Store application. This icon should look like three dots (...)

3) Select "Settings"

4) The first option should say "Update apps automatically." Change the switch to "On" to enable this feature.

Apple (iOS):

1) Open the Settings application on your iPad or iPhone

2) On the left menu, scroll until you see "iTunes and App Store" and select this option

3) Under "Automatic Downloads" enable both Apps and Updates to have updates automatically download to your device

Note: The above instructions regarding Apple App Store updates are only applicable if your application is distributed via the Apple App Store. 


1) Open the Google Play Store

2) Tap the menu icon in the upper-left corner of the application

3) Scroll down and select the "Settings" option

4) Select "Auto-update apps" and select "over any network" to update apps using either Wi-Fi or mobile data. "Over Wi-Fi" only to update apps only when connected to WiFi.